Last night, as workers got together to plan the final details for the march on Tuesday, allies continued leading actions calling on Solhem, Yellow Tree and United Properties to take steps to ensure basic dignity and respect for all workers on their projects by joining the Building Dignity and Respect (BDR) Program.

Carleton students passed out flyers at a Yellow Tree managed building in South Minneapolis, informing residents that the company who builds and manages their homes has a track record of hiring exploitative subcontractors.

And back at CTUL, after the meeting workers stayed to make signs and finalize the banners for the march, and put together last details for the new the public art display that will be at the end of the march: “Unidos Construyendo el Futuro Sin Explotacion / Together Building a Future Without Exploitation”.

The display brings to public light the abuses that non-union construction workers face in the workplace every day, explains the root cause of those conditions, and looks to a new day in construction where all construction workers in the Twin Cities metro area are treated with basic dignity and respect through the Building Dignity and Respect Program. Here is a sneak preview of some of the parts of the display…join us on Tuesday to see the entire thing!

See you on Tuesday!
“Nothing Gets Built Without These Hands: March for Dignity and Respect”
Tuesday, September 12, 4:00 – 6:00pm
1306 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis
(parking available at the Northeast Ice Arena)
RSVP here: