Member Principles

"Workers, together we decide our future"

We believe that all workers deserve fair wages, safe conditions; a voice in our workplace, and in decisions that impact our lives. Corporations and the wealthiest individuals control our economy, our politics and our everyday lives. We want a different world where we control our own lives and build the world we want to see for our families and future generations. We organize collectively for the power to build the world we want to live in; we organize to win economic justice; and we organize to win equity for all people of color, immigrants, people of all genders, religions and all marginalized communities. We are learning and teaching new things, taking action, and fighting back.

Led by Members: Reflections on 2022 from our Board

CTUL is a worker-led organization. Being worker-led doesn’t just mean that we are organizing in the streets and leading committees. Workers lead CTUL at every level, including our Board of Directors. We govern the organization, shape strategy and priorities, and support our incredible staff in their day-to-day work of implementing those priorities. CTUL stays focused on creating leaders – we have the tools, but we are never going to stop learning and building.

We set three big priorities for CTUL in 2022: 

  1. To advance our strategic campaigns through political education of our members and relationships with strategic partners. 
  2. To build stronger relationships across our Board, with staff, and with our members. 
  3. To continue our base building, focusing especially on building solidarity among Black and Brown members, creatively bringing in new members, and deepening leadership opportunities for long-time members. 

We are incredibly proud of the progress we made in 2022 on all three of these goals: from members traveling across the country to learn and share our lessons with other workers, to action after action locally to make sure that construction workers and all essential workers voices are heard. Throughout this report, you will find examples of our wins, our work, and our growth as an organization. 

2022 also marked our 15th anniversary as a leading worker center. We loved celebrating our quinceñera this year, and we invite you to read about 15 of our most joyful wins throughout the past year. We are ready to struggle to make sure workers have a voice at their job and in their communities. We decide our future! We build the world we want to see for our families and future generations. 

In solidarity, 

The CTUL Board of Directors 

From our Co-directors - What was 2022 for you?

What Was 2022 For you?

2022 was the year we got back into the streets after the pandemic shifted a lot of our organizing into the digital realm. We’ve been organizing all along, of course, but it feels great to be sharing spaces with people again, moving collectively. The Week of Action in June was incredibly powerful – seeing hundreds of CTUL members and allies from the Trade unions and our partner organizations marching together to lift up workers’ voices. Our Building Dignity and Respect march during the Week of Action was the official public launch of our construction campaign, for which we have been building the infrastructure for years. 

We have been reflecting a lot on the culmination of our efforts to recover stolen wages over the past 15 years as well. We have been supporting construction workers specifically through class action lawsuits and small one-off suits for years, and we are now seeing significant victories, which is a result of the groundwork we have done in the Building Dignity and Respect campaign, and what we have learned from campaigns in the past. In the first 15 years of our work, we supported construction workers in recovering around $580,000 in unpaid wages. Over the past year of our work, we supported construction workers in recovering over $2.5 million in unpaid wages. This work to support individuals is a key part of our strategy to win systemic changes for low-wage workers in Minnesota more broadly.

As we look back both at the previous 15 years of CTUL’s work and at 2022 individually, we are seeing the power of focused, concerted campaigns. 

Veronica Mendez Moore, Co-director 

Merle Payne, Co-director  

15 Joyful Wins

1. Frontline Worker Pay
In 2022, the State of Minnesota set aside $500 million for frontline worker bonuses in recognition of the disproportionate risks and sacrifices made by these workers throughout the pandemic. CTUL members were successfully part of organizing for Frontline Worker Pay to be offered to a wider pool of workers, including food service, janitorial workers, manufacturing workers, and undocumented workers. After leading public actions and collecting petition signatures to win this expansion, CTUL supported over 300 workers in applying for this pay. That also included assistance for many workers whose initial application was denied and needed to submit an appeal. Every worker who attended a CTUL session to apply for Frontline Worker Pay also received information about how and why we won through organizing as well as their rights at work. Through this effort, our Downtown Campaign engaged 116 new workers, which grew our base by 35%. For many members of our team and our base, the Frontline Worker Pay campaign was a first win with CTUL and many new members are now engaged and building power together.
Edwin, a worker at Afro Deli in Minneapolis
“I really am excited about receiving the money [from FWP] because I thought it wasn’t going to happen. I really have thought more about my workplace. Being an immigrant I’ve been treated differently and gotten my wages stolen at other jobs. Having a safe workplace is important because I have felt unsafe at my second job. Things can always be better.”
3. Getting back in the streets with our allies
The 2022 Week of Action was a powerful alignment of allied organizations speaking truth to power together. The week of June 13th featured large-scale public actions aligned through Tending the Soil, and organized by Unidos MN, Awood Center, CTUL, MN350, SEIU Local 26, and Inquilinxs Unidxs por Justicia. Thirteen CTUL members participated in the Week of Action Leadership School, which deepens leader’s understanding of race, class and gender and how we fight systemic oppression intersectionally and teaches workers how to lead and participate in direct actions. This week highlighted the ways that our movements for racial, economic, housing, and environmental justice are interconnected. Being in the streets together inspired many other organizations and individuals, especially members of the Trade unions, who are a key movement ally.
4. Celebrating Juneteenth with Future Fighters
Future Fighters, CTUL’s all Black worker committee, hosted a beautiful 3rd annual Juneteenth Celebration of Freedom on June 19th at George Floyd Square. Young leaders from Augsburg Academy, Roosevelt High School and High School for the Recording Arts celebrated with us, and we danced, broke bread, and made art together. Future Fighters made more than 200 new contacts during the event and are working to deepen the relationships and bring them into CTUL’s work.
"When We talk About The Future..."
"When we talk about the future, we're talking about more flexibility for work and safer operations for work," Mayor Frey said while announcing the proposal at a Wednesday morning press conference at Minneapolis City Hall. "Now, a big part of that is making sure that we have a Labor Standards Board that is valuing the input of workers that is set up from the very beginning."
6. Unlearning Anti-Blackness & Building Racial Solidarity
In October, CTUL organizers facilitated a three-day Unlearning Anti-Blackness and Building Racial Solidarity workshop for members. Reflections spoke to how profound and moving aspects of the training were, and many Latino members noted that this training has changed their way of thinking and impacted how they want to act in the world. CTUL staff also participated in an externally-led Unlearning Anti-Blackness training in 2022 and is continuing to integrate this work into our organizational infrastructure and individual actions.
Gerania, workshop co-facilitator
“This training was good for me because I was also confused about racism and anti-Blackness. I was able to understand more about this topic and I liked being part of the facilitation team, because it helps me to be a better trainer and facilitate these types of workshops with more confidence. I noticed more unity among workers and also that they want more of this type of training.”
7. Building Future Fighters’ capacity and tactics
Members and staff of the Future Fighters committee traveled to California to exchange ideas and knowledge with the members and staff of the Los Angeles Black Worker Center (LABWC). Established in 2011, LABWC’s mission is to close the employment equity gap for Black workers. One of the key learnings from this trip was around how the LABWC has engaged with municipal budgeting processes, learning to successfully advocate for public funding for Black worker initiatives. This learning transformed the way that Future Fighters and CTUL thought about the 2022 City of Minneapolis budget process and how to advocate for what workers need.
Eazy, Future Fighters Lead Organizer
“I am proud of the work the Future Fighters have accomplished this year, not only in our organization, but in our community as well. I'm excited to see what the future holds, for Future Fighters taking more roles and responsibilities within CTUL.”
8. Winning American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for labor standards
Together with other advocates, we won $1,816,650 in American Recovery Project funds directed toward enforcement of municipal labor standards in Minneapolis, with a focus on downtown. A portion of that funding is administered by CTUL to host and coordinate the Co-Enforcement Collaborative over the next three years. In 2022, we added the New Justice Project as a new partner, which expands the Collaborative’s reach among Black workers in north Minneapolis (NJP’s base). We have continued to deepen our relationships with the City’s Human Rights Department staff, affirming our shared strategy of empowering workers themselves to be the eyes and ears of labor standards enforcement in their workplaces.
Briana Kemp, Policy Lead
"Minneapolis workers fought hard to win a $15 minimum wage and paid sick and safe time. But those things only benefit workers if workers know that they exist and can enforce them in their workplaces. The ARPA funding has allowed CTUL to make sure more workers have the support they need to ensure their employers are in compliance with labor standards, and raise complaints with employers or the city when there are violations. In 2022, together with our partners we talked with over 4,600 workers throughout the city. We trained over 400 workers on their workplace rights, and nearly 100 of those workers are now prepared to organize and train their coworkers."
9. CTUL Members advocating for a permanent labor standards enforcement budget
CTUL members – including many Future Fighters – testified at City of Minneapolis budget hearings about the need for permanent funding for the Co-enforcement Program. This program is a partnership between the Minneapolis Labor Standards Enforcement Division (LSED) and a CTUL-led coalition of peoples’ organizations to assure that even the most vulnerable workers benefit as intended from labor standards like minimum wage and paid sick days. This effort put co-enforcement on the map politically in a whole new way and made it necessary for the City Council to discuss and debate the program publicly. As a result of our organizing, we won a legislative directive for the Mayor's office to take a deep dive into the work and to look for more a source of permanent funding during the next budget cycle.
10. Celebrating our Quinceñera
For our 15 year anniversary party we threw an awesome party in October, combining our annual fundraising Gala with our 15th anniversary member party. We welcomed hundreds of supporters, members, and allies to the Squirrel Haus Arts building and reveled in laughter, music, and community joy. The celebration included mariachi, a piñata, member and partner awards, and delicious union catering. We celebrated 15 Years of Worker Power with our community. We organized money and power to meet our fundraising goal for the event.
11. We welcomed powerful new leaders onto the Board of Directors
Workers make up the CTUL Board of Directors, and new members are elected by the CTUL members. At the start of 2023, we welcomed three new board members from our base who will serve throughout the year. Spencer Franklin has been involved with CTUL for two years as part of Future Fighters and decided to run for the board in order to help “drive the fight to create change for Black and Brown people first in Minneapolis, then in the state, then the country, and eventually the world.” Jose Alfredo Gomez Rosales first came to CTUL after suffering an injury working in construction, and quickly got engaged with meetings and trainings. He feels at home at CTUL and joined the board because his “experience and knowledge brings valued contributions to our shared work.” Carmen Hernandez, a member of Future Fighters, brings to the Board years of experience on Public Housing and other nonprofit boards.
12. Our staff union continuing to build power
In June 2021, CTUL rank and file staff announced they had organized a staff union with the Minnesota Newspaper and Communications Guild of America with 100% of rank and file staff signing on. CTUL directors and board members voluntarily recognized the union shortly after the announcement. Throughout 2022, staff and management engaged in positive dialogue and contract negotiations. As an organization, we see the union as part of how we build the most powerful CTUL, an organization that truly stands in solidarity and builds power with all workers.
13. Building relationships with our peers in the movement
CTUL sent a delegation of staff and workers on our construction campaign to meet with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) in Florida to stand in solidarity with farm workers’ #BoycottWendy’s action. This delegation was transformative for staff and members who participated as they had a chance to share organizing strategies, to further develop popular education exercises, and to share in victories fighting for worker power. Our members came back more ready than ever to fight for systems change in construction.
14. Three Power Lab projects lifting off
The CTUL Power Lab serves as a home CTUL’s work strengthening connectivity and growing capacity for the wider ecosystem of peoples’ organizations in the Twin Cities. In 2022, three powerful projects that CTUL has been incubating got off the ground in big ways: Tending the Soil, the Building Dignity and Respect Standards Council; and the Workers Confluence Fund of Minnesota.
Jil Clearman, Fundraising Director, Workers Confluence Fund of Minnesota
“Collaboration and innovation aren't just buzzwords. They are critical ingredients in building power for working people. By investing in these projects, CTUL is rejecting the idea that we should be competing for resources with the very organizations we need to partner with in order to achieve our shared goals and increasing our collective capacity instead. The Workers Confluence Fund of Minnesota is building on CTUL's groundbreaking partnership with SEIU, which transformed the retail janitorial industry in the Twin Cities. We're building a stronger movement for racial and economic justice by connecting and resourcing partnerships between unions, worker centers, and other groups that are organizing BIPOC workers.”
15. Recovering millions in stolen wages
Over CTUL’s 15 years, we have partnered with 1000s of workers to recover more than $6,000,000 in stolen wages. A lot of these recovered wages have come from the non-union construction industry, which is rife with worker exploitation and wage theft. Supporting workers individually in this sector has helped us build power to more large-scale wage recover class action suits. In the first 15 years of our work, we supported construction workers in recovering around $580,000 in unpaid wages. Over the past year of our work, we supported construction workers in recovering over $2.5 million in unpaid wages. These wins are emblematic of our focused, concerted campaign that will shift an industry in the long-run.
Mario Segura, construction worker and CTUL member
“There are solutions to wage theft in the non-union construction industry. If workers and developers can come together to end wage theft and other injustices, we can have power to change and improve the non-union construction industry for everyone in our community.” - Mario Segura, construction worker and CTUL member, as quoted in the Minneapolis Post, January 2022
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CTUL approaches its fundraising through a values-based approach. We are aligned with the principles of Community Centric Fundraising, and we believe that every donor is valuable and valued, regardless of the size of their gift. We engage all of our staff in the practice of donor organizing, and we raise funds through events, grants, contracted services, and individual gifts. We are immensely grateful for the support of the foundations, individuals, members, and allies who sustained us financially in 2022.

Advocates for Human Rights
BCTGM Local 22
Black Visions
The Carpenters Union
Cement Masons & Plasterers Local 633
Chicano Latino Studies U of M
De Leon Nestor Torres
East Side Freedom Library
Education MN
Guardian Angels Church
Hart Law Office
Headwaters Foundation for Justice
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
IUOE Local 49
Labor Education Service
Laborers Local 563

Land Stewardship Project
Law Office of Tim Philips
Minneapolis Federation of Teachers Local 59
Minnesota Nurses Association
MN AFL-CIO- Retiree Council
Nichols Kaster Law
Rehab Results, LLC
SEIU HealthCare
SEIU MN State Council
St. Paul Regional Labor Federation AFL-CIO
St. Paul Federation of Educators Local 28
Unite Here Local 17
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1189
Voices for Racial Justice


Your generosity supports our movement ¡Gracias!

Individual Contributions
Ally Organizations
Fundraising Events
Government Grants/Contracts
Earned Revenue


We are strengthened by our connections with other organizations, and we celebrate our 2022 partnerships with a heart full of gratitude. Thank you to those of you who have marched with us, led trainings with us, sponsored our work, and been in community as we work toward a better world together.

Payroll Expenses
Worker Relief-Lost Work
Fundraising Event Expenses
Contract Services
Facilities and Equipment
Program Expenses
Professional Development
Other Insurance
Mortgage Payments
Reserves (Ops / Capital)
Asset Fixed / Equipment


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New Eric

The most beautiful cat in the whole world


My name is New Eric and I’m so sad Isa quit CTUL.

Lucila Dominguez

Staff Portrait Photo

Defensores Organizer

As an organizer in the Defensores program, my job is to develop the voice of the workers and to bring workers together with power. 

What motivates me is to see victories led by workers and when workers develop their leadership. My vision for the future is to raise awareness of the environment and have a livable life to bring peace to children in the future and freedom in the world

Besides organizing, I like to dance, sing, and yellow flowers. 


CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.

Defensores Organizer

As a member of the Defensores Team, my job is to do community outreach in order to connect with workers, and give them tools to educate other workers about their labor rights. What motivates me about my work is the fact that knowledge is power. The more workers learn about their rights, the more power they have to fight against the labor injustices they face.

My vision for the world and for my community is that we can exist as ourselves and not be discriminated against for it. My vision is that we can all recognize and celebrate our differences, and fight together to uproot systemic oppression. Outside of work at CTUL, I love to skateboard, write, play, and perform music, kayak on the river, and cuddle with my sweet cat, Benjamin and tender dog, Greene.

Cody Oesterreich

CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.

Social Services Worker Advocate

I grew up in rural MN in a big family and eventually made my way to Guatemala to work as a Human Rights Accompanier for genocide survivors, worked in Minneapolis restaurants, worked at CTUL as the ally organizer and grant writer back when CTUL was younger, did paralegal immigration work at Legal Services and now I’m back again at CTUL as the Social Services Worker Advocate. Along with my work at CTUL, I’m  a mama to 3 amazing kiddos and love being in the woods.

Matthew Riley

Staff Portrait Photo


As a worker organizer, my job is to connect with and educate workers in both Minneapolis and Saint Paul. What really motivates me about this work is when I hear people’s stories and their will to want to fight for worker power. 

My vision for the future is where workers have the benefits and pay they deserve. When no one has to fight for their rights because all workers already have them.  Besides my work at CTUL, I like to play soccer, enjoy media of all types, workout, and take trips to my family’s cabin up north.

Karina Genis

Staff Portrait Photo

Executive Assistant

My role at CTUL as executive assistant is to manage the co-directors calendars, create processes for organization and sustainability, and oversee and coordinate the document translation process. I feel very motivated by working for an organization that does such good and intentional work. I feel inspired everyday by my coworkers and members’ resilience and their amazing way of thinking, which has expanded mine. 

My vision for the future is the distribution of wealth, there is no reason why the 1% needs or should have that much money, eradicating white supremacy, capitalism, and patriarchy. My dream for the future of my community is to create a better work/life balance. Folks should be able to live and enjoy life. 

Outside of my work at CTUL, I like to hang out with my husky (Appa), go biking, play soccer, refurbish furniture, watch horror movies, spend time in nature, and watch movies

Sumaya Mo' Allin

CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.


I am a worker organizer at CTUL, my job primarily focuses on building with and connecting workers in Minneapolis and St. Paul and supporting them in stepping into their power and dignity. 

My vision for the future is one where everyone has the autonomy to live and work in an environment that allows them to thrive, and live full abundant lives regardless of background. What motivates me is seeing workers strengthen their leadership and learn to use their voice for the betterment of others. In my free time, I enjoy being outdoors as much as possible, spending time with my animals, and reading fictional books.

Alissa Pollard

Staff Portrait Photo

Digital Organizer

As the digital organizer, my role is to bring folks from the digital realm into the physical both through outreach and engagement through social media and other digital tools! I’m motivated by the power of our individual testimonies and how that unites us all when we come together and find the overlaps in our stories.

My vision for us is that we all see the value in our own experiences, as well as others, and create a community where everyone willingly learns from each other.

When I’m not working with CTUL I like to be active outside, hang out with friends, read, and play music.

Drew Sieplinga

CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.

Human Resources Lead & Office Manager

My role is supporting CTUL workers so that they can support and fight for all workers. What motivates me about my work is being able to provide the comprehensive support to workers that should be the normative standard. 

My vision for the world is one where everyone can have fair wages, healthcare, free time, and being treated with respect. Outside of my work at CTUL, I like to read, sew, garden, and go on bike rides.

Toni Geurts

CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.

Movement Grants Administrator

As the movement grants administrator my role is to sustain and support the growth of our coalition and partnership work through grant writing, fundraising, and organizing cultural change within foundations and philanthropy, along with managing reporting and administrative responsibilities between our partners. What motivates me to do this work is getting to write about and share the phenomenal and powerful movement work happening on the ground (and the future vision we’re shaping within our communities on micro and macro levels) in spaces that hold and own wealth and power.

My vision for the future is one where power, privilege, oppression, and marginalization are mainstream and undeniable concepts everyone is able to unpack, analyze, and hold. Where everyone has access to learn healthy coping and survival mechanisms, have their needs met, heal from trauma, live their best, most joyful and supported lives, and be the best version of themselves. Outside of my work at CTUL I’m usually embracing my multi interests. I organize with Filipinx for Immigrant Rights and Racial Justice in Minnesota (FIRM) and Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC). I often focus on my own healing, reclamation, and spiritual work. I love to travel, explore, spend time in nature, laugh at my dogs, and spend time hanging out with close friends and family.

Merle Payne

Staff Portrait Photo


As Co-Director of CTUL, my role is coordinating the corporate campaigns that build power for worker voice, as well as overseeing the infrastructure of the organization.

One out of every five people in Minneapolis live below the poverty level, struggling every day just to survive. Communities of color bear the brunt of this reality – the Black poverty rate is over four times higher than the white poverty rate in the Twin Cities metro area. When you consider the fact that the wealthiest 15 corporations in Minnesota hold over $1 trillion in assets, it becomes abundantly clear that the wealthiest 0.1% have systematically extracted this wealth and resources from our communities, pitting the majority of the population against each other to fight over scraps. If we took just 10% of those assets, we could more than double the wages of every single minimum wage worker in the state for over 10 years! What motivates me to fight is the emerging leadership of CTUL members who are standing up for basic dignity and respect, declaring – enough is enough!

I imagine a future where everyone has a voice in decisions that impact their lives. I imagine a transition from the current model of development that is based on the extraction of wealth from poor communities of color, to a model of development that is based on investing in the leadership and well-being of our communities.

In my free time, I enjoy frolicking with my kids and family, playing racquetball, and going on long meandering walks.

Isabela Escalona

CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.

Communications Organizer

As the communications organizer, my job is to support members in telling their stories powerfully through press, social media, and other storytelling methods. What motivates me is when workers powerfully name the injustices that led to the unfair conditions they face and unapologetically speak the truth in the face of power in order to make a change on behalf of all workers. 


My vision for the future is one where everyone has ample free time to spend with their families and friends, explore nature, go to the movies, cook for their loved ones, and create art with their community. Outside of my work at CTUL, I like to read, write, watch movies, and explore the Twin Cities on long bike rides.


Staff Portrait Photo

Organizing Director

I foster a strong organizing culture by building the skills and leadership of our organizing team to develop the leadership and collective power of our membership. 

Our movement needs to bring in new people and develop new leaders in order to have the power to achieve our vision. CTUL organizes workers who have been historically excluded from institutional power, so every time a new member signs up I feel proud of the work we are doing to grow the movement and build the power of directly impacted communities. 

I envision a world where every person believes in their voice, their agency, and has hope for the future because they know their voice is valued in decision-making. A world liberated from structural and internalized oppressions and we take care of humanity and Mother Earth. 

I love to explore Minneapolis Parks with my daughters, knit scarves and hats in the winter, watch baseball games in the summer, and eat a home grilled carne asada with my husband. I’m born and raised in Minneapolis, in the neighborhood where CTUL’s office is located, the same neighborhood where I currently live with my family. 

Gerania Mata

Staff Portrait Photo

Organizadora de Downtown

Mi trabajo es buscar a los trabajadores en su lugar de trabajo para hablar de sus experiencias, desarrollar su liderazgo, conociendo su interés y ayudándoles a encontrar su poder para juntos luchar para mejor trabajos. 

Lo que me motiva es saber que más gente puede cambiar sus vidas cuando están dispuestos de luchar por cambios. Me motiva junto con esas personas, podemos cambiar sistemas opresivas. Mi visión es que haya menos discriminación menos separación de razas, más unidad, más cambios en la balanza de poder y que trabajadores obtengan justicia social y económica. 

Me gusta cocinar cosas dulces, enseñarles a mis hijos sobre Dios, y me gusta mirar recetas en Youtube.

Veronica Mendez Moore

Staff Portrait Photo


My position is to lead CTUL in building a new model of organizing and form coalitions and strategies that build the power we need to re-write the rules so that our economy works for everyone. 

I’m motivated when I get the opportunity to support people to transform from someone who doesn’t believe they have power, into someone who recognizes their collective power with others and decides to wield it to change the world. Once people experience that, anything is possible. I envision a world in which everyone is free to determine their own destiny in solidarity with those around them – a world where people can be inspired to act from love and fulfil their greatest potential. 

I am very competitive! Whether it’s competing against myself to sing my best song at karaoke, or against others playing strategy games like Settlers of Catan with extension packs, I love to win!

Indira Garmendia

Staff Portrait Photo

Defensores Organizer

I am the lead organizer of the leadership development program Defenders. I build power with the worker where we identify the systems that oppress us: racism, capitalism, patriarchy and we find solutions.

What motivates me, is the direct contact with membership, members’ stories, building collective power, and creating real change in the fight against the .1%.I want a fair world, where exploitation is not a word, where we work happily and with their families, division of equal wealth, and no violence towards women and the LGBTQ community. 

I am an activist. feminist, daughter, wife, I like to dance, I love kareoke, I am an immigrant, and I love to plant flowers and vegetables.

Carlos Garcia Velasco

Staff Portrait Photo

Lead Organizer Construction

My role is to lead the construction team of powerful organizers in relationship building and leadership development for our base. We support workers on a leadership path, work together to find solutions to change the construction industry and build power. 

What motivates me is the love of justice, dismantling capitalism and colonization, and building a new radical system created by people for people. 

Along with organizing, I’m a father, a son, a family man, a friend, an artist of love of life and justice.


Staff Portrait Photo

Donor Organizer

I organize our scrappy and generous base of people who give money to CTUL — monthly donors, annual contributors, and organizational partners. I build worker power by organizing the money power that allows us to be flexible, dynamic, visionary, creative, and strategic in doing our organizing work.

I love working at CTUL because I have never worked somewhere before where it is so fully embraced that we all have a role to play in the movement. Our liberation is all intertwined, and I am humbled to be a part of the movement to free us all.

I envision a world where we wake up in the morning and feel glowing in our bodies, where we grow our food close by, and smell butter sizzling in the pan. We sit in circles and share stories and emotions. We all have what we need and we all can move in the ways we need and want to.

When I’m not organizing, I love to bop and wiggle to music, draw octopi and jellyfish, squeal about ridiculous life moments with my housemates, write letters, move my body, bike, and make pancakes.

Taylor Shevey

Staff Portrait Photo

Lead Organizer

I lead a team of organizers to fight for justice and a world where people are not afraid to stand up to abuse of power. What motivates my work is an intersectional framework to move people to see themselves and the world. 

My vision for the future is where people are free to be who they are without judgement and without chains, destroy capitalism and promote healing, love, joy and freedom. In my freetime, I have a cat, I like karaoke, and spending time with my grandma.

Luna Gebriel

CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.

Ally and Logistics Organizer

My job is to organize our ally base to support the leadership of our worker base and to bottomline logistical needs within the organization including logistics for direct actions, marches and other events. I build power by organizing the support we need to carry out our work. 

What motivates me is knowing that one day we will be liberated even after our lifetime and knowing that we need each other to support our collective efforts. What I imagine for the future is the liberation for all peoples. That is and will always be my goal and for all peoples to show up and be their most authentic selves. 

I am a daughter, a sibling and a chosen family member. I enjoy spending time with my loved ones, reading, dancing, traveling, and writing.

Dienner Lazo

Staff Portrait Photo

Finance and Operations Coordinator

My job includes financial processes, management of funds, human resources, operations, and management. I am motivated by the ability to continue our work, and assure that the organization’s finances are moving towards meeting the goals for the success of our different campaigns. 

My vision for the future is where workers have rights and respect. I like to spend time with my family; my wife and my daughter Theda. I’m from Nicaragua. I like to go to the gym and stay active.

Jilian Clearman

Staff Portrait Photo

Lead Development and Narrative Strategy

On our fundraising team, I’m the one focused on securing foundation grants to fund CTUL’s work. I also work on CTUL’s big-picture storytelling for different audiences. “I love finding ways to present CTUL’s work that resonate with different audiences and challenging the foundation world to re-think how systemic change happens and what constituent leadership really looks like.” 

I envision a world where my job is obsolete because wealth inequality is over and everyone has what they need to thrive. Outside of work I enjoy long walks in the woods and sharing meals with friends and family.

Israel Aranda

Staff Portrait Photo

Construction Organizer

I organize and support construction workers in the fight to bring better wages and working conditions in the Twin Cities and the surrounding metro area. I am motivated when workers come into their power and successfully organize other workers to collectively build a better future for themselves and their families. This kind of outcome is better achieved when you build strong relationships with workers.

My vision for the future is that resources are shared equitably and we protect the environment while doing so. Outside of organizing, I play Son Jarocho in the community, exercise, and sing karaoke.

Eustaquio Orzco

CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.

Construction Organizer

As a construction organizer, I support construction workers build their leadership, listen to their concerns to see how I can support them and build power.

What motivates me in this work is getting to know my community, its needs and being useful in contributing to resolving its plights. My vision for the future is a world where workers are more informed of their rights, confront our daily struggles, and are willing to learn more.

I am a husband, son, father, and I like to spend time with my friends.

Gerania Mata

Staff Portrait Photo

Downtown Organizer

My job is to meet workers at their workplace to talk about their experiences, develop their leadership, learn about their interests and help them find their own power so that together we can fight for better working conditions. What motivates me is knowing that more people can change their lives when they are ready to fight for change and that together we can change oppressive systems. 

My vision is for there to be less discrimination, less separation by race, more unity, and more changes in the balance of power and that workers achieve social and economic justice. I like to bake sweets, teach my children about God, and watch recipes on YouTube.

Carlos Parra

Staff Portrait Photo


I am an organizer with CTUL, I organize working people of color, around minimum wage, paid sick days and other issues in their workplace

I love the work I do because people of color are challenging the capitalist world and when working people use their rights and organize, they win. When single mothers use their paid sick days to take care of their kids, they win. When the minimum wage increases, workers win. I want a world where the working class is thriving and enjoying life rather than working to live. 

Outside of work I like to bike around with my daughter and spend a lot of time with the family enjoying delicious foods. 

Eustaquio Orzco

CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.

Organizador de Construcción

Como organizador de construcción, ayudó a trabajadores a mejorar su liderazgo, escuchando sus preocupaciones y necesidades para ver cómo ayudarles y construir poder. 

Lo que motiva en este trabajo es conocer mi comunidad, sus necesidades y poder ser útil al contribuir en resolver sus situaciones Mi visión para el futuro es un mundo donde somos más informados, nos capacitamos más para enfrentar nuestros situaciones diarias y estar estar dispuesto a aprender más. 

Soy esposo, hijo, padre, y me gusta compartir tiempo con mis amigos.

New Staff Member

The most beautiful cat in the whole world

Best Staff Position

Blurb About So and So

Toni Geurts

CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.

Administrador de Becas de Movimiento

Como administrador de subvenciones del movimiento, mi función es sostener y apoyar el crecimiento de nuestro trabajo de coalición y asociación a través de la redacción de subvenciones, la recaudación de fondos y la organización del cambio cultural dentro de las fundaciones y la filantropía, junto con la gestión de informes y responsabilidades administrativas entre nuestros socios. Lo que me motiva a hacer este trabajo es escribir y compartir el trabajo fenomenal y poderoso del movimiento que está sucediendo en el terreno (y la visión de futuro que estamos moldeando dentro de nuestras comunidades a nivel micro y macro) en espacios que albergan y poseen riqueza y energía.

Mi visión para el futuro es una en la que el poder, el privilegio, la opresión y la marginación son conceptos principales e innegables que todos pueden desempacar, analizar y sostener. Donde todos tienen acceso para aprender mecanismos saludables de supervivencia y afrontamiento, satisfacer sus necesidades, sanar de un trauma, vivir su mejor, más feliz y apoyada vida, y ser la mejor versión de sí mismos. Fuera de mi trabajo en CTUL, por lo general estoy abrazando mis múltiples intereses. Me organizo con Filipinx por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes y la Justicia Racial en Minnesota (FIRM) y el Comité Organizador de Trabajadores Encarcelados (IWOC). A menudo me concentro en mi propia curación, recuperación y trabajo espiritual. Me encanta viajar, explorar, pasar tiempo en la naturaleza, reírme de mis perros y pasar tiempo con amigos cercanos y familiares.

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Su formulario ha sido enviado con éxito.

Carlos Parra

Staff Portrait Photo


Soy un organizador con CTUL, organizo a las personas trabajadoras de color, en torno al salario mínimo, días de enfermedad pagados y otros problemas en su lugar de trabajo.

Me encanta el trabajo que hago porque la gente de color está desafiando al mundo capitalista y cuando los trabajadores ejercen sus derechos y se organizan, ganan. Cuando las madres solteras usan sus días de enfermedad pagados para cuidar a sus hijos, ganan. Cuando aumenta el salario mínimo, los trabajadores ganan. Quiero un mundo donde la clase trabajadora prospere y disfrute de la vida en lugar de trabajar para vivir.

Fuera del trabajo me gusta andar en bicicleta con mi hija y pasar mucho tiempo con la familia disfrutando de comidas deliciosas.


CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.

Organizador de Defensores

Como miembro del Equipo Defensores, mi trabajo es hacer alcance comunitario para conectarme con los trabajadores y brindarles herramientas para educar a otros trabajadores sobre sus derechos laborales. Lo que me motiva de mi trabajo es el hecho de que el conocimiento es poder. Cuanto más aprenden los trabajadores sobre sus derechos, más poder tienen para luchar contra las injusticias laborales que enfrentan.

Mi visión para el mundo y para mi comunidad es que podemos existir como nosotros mismos y no ser discriminados por ello. Mi visión es que todos podemos reconocer y celebrar nuestras diferencias y luchar juntos para erradicar la opresión sistémica. Fuera del trabajo en CTUL, me encanta andar en patineta, escribir, y tocar música, hacer kayak en el río y abrazar a mi dulce gato, Benjamin, y mi tierno perro, Greene.

Cody Oesterreich

CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.

Defensora de Trabajadores para Servicios Sociales

Antes de me trabajo en CTUL, Crecí en una zona rural de Minnesota en una gran familia y finalmente me dirigí a Guatemala para trabajar como Acompañante de Derechos Humanos para los sobrevivientes del genocidio, trabajé en restaurantes de Minneapolis, trabajé en CTUL como organizador aliado y escritor de subvenciones cuando CTUL era más joven. Trabajo de asistente legal de inmigración en Servicios Legales y ahora estoy de regreso en CTUL como Defensor del Trabajador de Servicios Sociales. Junto con mi trabajo en CTUL, soy mamá de 3 niños increíbles y me encanta estar en el bosque.

Matthew Riley

Staff Portrait Photo


Como organizador de trabajadores, mi trabajo es conectarme y educar a los trabajadores en Minneapolis y Saint Paul. Lo que realmente me motiva de este trabajo es cuando escucho las historias de las personas y su voluntad de querer luchar por el poder de los trabajadores.

Mi visión para el futuro es que los trabajadores tengan los beneficios y la paga que merecen. Cuando nadie tiene que luchar por sus derechos porque todos los trabajadores ya los tienen. Además de mi trabajo en CTUL, me gusta jugar fútbol, ​​disfrutar de los medios de todo tipo, hacer ejercicio y hacer viajes a la cabaña de mi familia en el norte.

Karina Genis

Staff Portrait Photo

Asistente Ejecutiva

Mi papel en CTUL como asistente ejecutivo es administrar los calendarios de los codirectores, crear procesos para la organización y la sostenibilidad, y supervisar y coordinar el proceso de traducción de documentos. Me siento muy motivado por trabajar para una organización que hace un trabajo tan bueno e intencional. Me siento inspirado todos los días por la capacidad de recuperación de mis compañeros de trabajo y miembros y su increíble forma de pensar, que ha ampliado la mía.

Mi visión para el futuro es la distribución de la riqueza, no hay razón para que el 1% necesite o deba tener tanto dinero, erradicando la supremacía blanca, el capitalismo y el patriarcado. Mi sueño para el futuro de mi comunidad es crear un mejor equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida. La gente debería poder vivir y disfrutar la vida.

Fuera de mi trabajo en CTUL, me gusta andar en bicicleta, jugar fútbol, ​​renovar muebles, ver películas de terror, pasar tiempo en la naturaleza y ver películas.

Sumaya Mo' Allin

CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.


Soy un organizador de trabajadores en CTUL, mi trabajo se enfoca principalmente en construir y conectar a los trabajadores en Minneapolis y St. Paul y apoyarlos para que asuman su poder y dignidad.

Mi visión para el futuro es una en la que todos tengan la autonomía para vivir y trabajar en un entorno que les permita prosperar y vivir una vida plena y abundante independientemente de sus antecedentes. Lo que me motiva es ver a los trabajadores fortalecer su liderazgo y aprender a usar su voz para el mejoramiento de los demás. En mi tiempo libre, disfruto estar al aire libre tanto como puedo, pasar tiempo con mis mascotas y leer libros de ficción.

Alissa Pollard

Staff Portrait Photo

Organizador Digital

Como organizador digital, mi función es llevar a la gente del ámbito digital al ámbito físico, tanto a través de la divulgación como del compromiso a través de las redes sociales y otras herramientas digitales. Me motiva el poder de nuestros testimonios individuales y cómo eso nos une a todos cuando nos unimos y encontramos coincidencias en nuestras historias.

Mi visión para nosotros es que todos veamos el valor de nuestras propias experiencias, así como de las de los demás, y creemos una comunidad en la que todos aprendan voluntariamente unos de otros.

Cuando no estoy trabajando con CTUL, me gusta estar activo al aire libre, pasar el rato con amigos, leer y tocar música.

Drew Sieplinga

CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.

Lider de Recursos Humanos y Gerente de la Oficina

Mi papel es apoyar a los trabajadores de CTUL para que puedan apoyar y luchar por todos los trabajadores. Lo que me motiva de mi trabajo es poder brindar el apoyo integral a los trabajadores que debe ser el estándar normativo.

Mi visión para el mundo es una en la que todos puedan tener salarios justos, atención médica, tiempo libre y ser tratados con respeto. Fuera de mi trabajo en CTUL, me gusta leer, coser, trabajar en el jardín y montar en bicicleta.

Merle Payne

Staff Portrait Photo


Como codirector de CTUL, mi función es coordinar las campañas corporativas que generan poder para la voz de los trabajadores y supervisar la infraestructura de la organización.

Una de cada cinco personas en Minneapolis vive por debajo del nivel de pobreza, luchando todos los días solo por sobrevivir. Las comunidades de color son las más afectadas por esta realidad: la tasa de pobreza de los negros es más de cuatro veces mayor que la tasa de pobreza de los blancos en el área metropolitana de las Ciudades Gemelas. Cuando se considera el hecho de que las 15 corporaciones más ricas de Minnesota tienen más de $1 billón, queda muy claro que el 0.1% más rico ha extraído sistemáticamente esta riqueza y recursos de nuestras comunidades, enfrentando a la mayoría de la población entre sí para luchar. Si tomáramos solo el 10% de eso, ¡podríamos más del doble de los salarios de cada trabajador con salario mínimo en el estado durante más de 10 años! Lo que me motiva a luchar es el liderazgo emergente de los miembros de CTUL que defienden la dignidad y el respeto básicos, declarando: ¡ya es suficiente!

Imagino un futuro en el que todos tengan voz en las decisiones que impactan en sus vidas. Imagino una transición del modelo actual de desarrollo que se basa en la extracción de riqueza de las comunidades pobres de color, a un modelo de desarrollo que se basa en invertir en el liderazgo y el bienestar de nuestras comunidades.

En mi tiempo libre, disfruto retozar con mis hijos y mi familia, jugar al raquetbol y dar largos paseos serpenteantes.

Israel Aranda

Staff Portrait Photo

Organizador de Construcción

Yo organizo y apoyo trabajadores de construcción en la lucha por mejores sueldos y condiciones de trabajo en las Ciudades Gemelas y el área metropolitana. Estoy motivado cuando los trabajadores encuentran su poder y exitosamente organizan a otros trabajadores para juntos construir un futuro mejor para ellos mismos y sus familias. Este resultado se obtiene mejor cuando se crean conexiones fuertes con trabajadores. 

Mi visión para el futuro es que los recursos se compartirán con equidad y protegeremos el medio ambiente mientras lo hagamos. Afuera de organizando, toco Son Jarocho en la comunidad, hago ejercicio, y canto karaoke.

Isabela Escalona

CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.

Organizador de Comunicacion

Como organizador de comunicaciones, mi trabajo es apoyar a los miembros a contar sus historias de manera poderosa con la prensa, las redes sociales y otros métodos de narración. Lo que me motiva es cuando los trabajadores nombran poderosamente los injusticias que llevaron a las condiciones injustas que enfrentan y dicen la verdad sin disculpas frente al poder para hacer un cambio en nombre de todos los trabajadores.

Mi visión para el futuro es una en la que todos tengan suficiente tiempo libre para pasar con sus familias y amigos, explorar la naturaleza, ir al cine, cocinar para sus seres queridos y crear arte con su comunidad. Fuera de mi trabajo en CTUL, me gusta leer, escribir, ver películas, y explorar las Ciudades Gemelas en largos paseos en bicicleta.

Lucila Dominguez

Staff Portrait Photo

Organizador de Defensores

Como organizador en el comité de Defensores, mi trabajo es desarrollar la voz del trabajador y juntar a las voces de los trabajadores de una manera fuerte. 

Lo que me motiva es ver victorias lideradas por los mismos trabajadores y que los trabajadores están desarrollando liderazgo. Mi visión para el futuro es concientizar el medio ambiente y tener una vida vivible para traer paz a los niños en el futuro y libertad en el mundo 

Además de organizar, me gusta bailar, cantar, y tener flores amarillas


Staff Portrait Photo

Director de Organizar

Fomento una sólida cultura organizativa mediante la creación de las aptitudes y el liderazgo de nuestro equipo organizador para desarrollar el liderazgo y el poder colectivo de nuestros miembros.

Nuestro movimiento necesita traer nuevas personas y desarrollar nuevos líderes para tener el poder de lograr nuestra visión. CTUL organiza a los trabajadores que han sido históricamente excluidos del poder institucional, cada vez que un nuevo miembro se inscribe me siento orgulloso del trabajo que estamos haciendo para hacer crecer el movimiento y construir el poder de las comunidades directamente afectadas. Imagino un mundo en el que cada persona crea en su voz, su agencia, y tiene esperanza para el futuro porque sabe que su voz es valorada en la toma de decisiones. Un mundo liberado de las opresiones estructurales e internalizadas y nos ocupamos de la humanidad y de la Madre Tierra.

Me encanta explorar los parques de Minneapolis con mis hijas, tejer bufandas y gorros en invierno, ver partidos de béisbol en verano y comer carne asada en casa con mi marido. Nací y crecí en Minneapolis, en el vecindario donde se encuentra la oficina de CTUL, el mismo vecindario donde vivo con mi familia hoy.

Veronica Mendez Moore

Staff Portrait Photo


Mi posición es liderar a CTUL en la construcción de un nuevo modelo de organización, coaliciones y estrategias que construyan el poder que necesitamos para reescribir las reglas para que nuestra economía funcione para todos. Estoy motivado cuando tengo la oportunidad de apoyar a la gente para que se transforme de alguien que no cree que tenga poder, en alguien que reconozca su poder colectivo con otros y decide usarlo para cambiar el mundo. Cuando la gente experimenta eso, cualquier cosa es posible.

Imagino un mundo en el que todos tengan la libertad de determinar su propio destino en solidaridad con los que los rodean, un mundo en el que las personas puedan sentirse inspiradas a actuar por amor y realizar su mayor potencial.

Soy muy competitiva!  sea compitiendo contra mí misma para cantar mi mejor canción en karaoke, o contra otros que juegan juegos de estrategia como Colonos de Catania con paquetes de extensión, me encanta ganar.

Indira Garmendia

Staff Portrait Photo

Organizadora de Defensores

Soy organizadora principal del programa de desarrollo de liderazgo “Defensores”. Construyó poder con el trabajador, cuando identificamos los sistemas que nos oprimen: racismo, capitalismo, patriarcado y encontramos soluciones. 

Lo que motiva es el contacto directo con la membresía, las historias de las miembros, construir poder colectivo y crear cambio reales en la lucha contra el 1%.

Quiero un mundo justo, donde la explotación no sea una palabra, donde trabajamos felices y con sus familias, división de la riqueza equitativa, y no violencia a las mujeres y la comunidad LGBTQ. 

Soy una activista. feminista, hija, esposa, me gusta bailar, (de que sigue la revelucion si no podemos bailar), me encanta a kareoke, soy migrante, y me encata sembrar flores y vegetales.

Carlos Garcia Velasco

Staff Portrait Photo

Organizador L

Mi función es liderar el equipo de construcción de organizadores poderosos en la construcción y el desarrollo de liderazgo para nuestra base. Apoyamos a los trabajadores en un camino de liderazgo, trabajamos juntos para encontrar soluciones para cambiar la industria de la construcción y generar poder.

Lo que me motiva es el amor a la justicia, el desmantelamiento del capitalismo y la colonización, y la construcción de un nuevo sistema radical creado por personas para personas.

Además de ser organizador, soy padre, hijo, amigo, artista del amor a la vida y la justicia.


Staff Portrait Photo

Organizadore de Donantes

Organizo nuestra base de gente rudimentaria y generosa que da dinero al CTUL — donantes mensuales, contribuyentes anuales y socios organizacionales. Yo construyo el poder de los trabajadores organizando el poder monetario que nos permite ser flexibles, dinámicos, visionarios, creativos y estratégicos al hacer nuestro trabajo organizativo.

Me encanta trabajar en CTUL porque nunca antes había trabajado en un lugar donde esté tan plenamente aceptado que todos tenemos un role que jugar en el movimiento. Nuestra liberación está entrelazada, y me siento humilde de ser parte del movimiento para liberarnos a todos.

Imagino un mundo donde despertemos por la mañana y nos sentimos brillando en nuestros cuerpos, donde podamos crecer nuestra comida cerca, y olemos la mantequilla zumbando en la sartén. Nos sentamos en un círculo y compartimos nuestras historias y emociones. Todos tenemos lo que necesitamos y todos podemos avanzar en la forma que necesitamos y queremos.

Cuando no estoy organizando, me encanta doblar y menear música, dibujar octopi y medusas, chillar acerca de momentos de vida ridículos con mis compañeros de casa, escribir cartas, mover mi cuerpo, andar en bicicleta y hacer panqueques.

Taylor Shevey

Staff Portrait Photo


Dirijo un equipo de organizadores para luchar por la justicia y un mundo donde la gente no tenga miedo de hacer frente al abuso de poder. Lo que motiva mi trabajo es un marco interseccional para hacer que la gente se vea a sí misma y al mundo. 

Mi visión para el futuro es donde las personas serán libres de ser quienes son sin juicio y sin cadenas, destruir el capitalismo y promueven curación, el amor, la alegría y la libertad. En mi tiempo libre, tengo un gato, me gusta el karaoke y paso tiempo con mi abuela.

Luna Gebriel

CTUL Logo: Two hands emerging from the Minneapolis skyline and clasping.

Organizador de Aliados y Logisticas

Mi trabajo consiste en organizar nuestra base de aliados para apoyar el liderazgo de nuestra base de trabajadores y a cubrir las necesidades logísticas dentro de la organización, incluyendo la logística para acciones directa marchas, y otros eventos. Construyendo poder organizando el apoyo que necesitamos para llevar a cabo nuestro trabajo

Lo que me motiva es saber que algún día seremos liberados incluso después de nuestra vida y saber que nos necesitamos para apoyar nuestros esfuerzos colectivos. 

Lo que imagino para el futuro es la liberación de todas las personas. Ese es y será siempre mi objetivo y para que todos las personas se presenten y sean sus seres más auténticos. 

Soy una hija, una hermana y un miembro de la familia elegido. Disfruto pasar tiempo con mis seres queridos leyendo, bailando, viajando y escribiendo.

Dienner Lazo

Staff Portrait Photo

Coordinador de Finanzas y Operaciones

Mi trabajo incluye procesos financieros, manejo de fondos, recursos humanos y gestiones/necesidades operacionales. Me motiva construir el poder continuar y asegurar que las finanzas de la organización están marchando para el cumplimiento de las metas para la ejecución de las diferentes campañas. 

Mi visión para el futuro es que exista respeto y derecho al trabajador. Tengo una familia pequeña– mi esposa y mi pequeña hija Theda. Soy de Nicaragua, me gusta ir al gimnasio, y pasar tiempo con familia.

Jilian Clearman

Staff Portrait Photo

Desarrollo Principal y Estrategia Narrativa

En nuestro equipo de recaudación de fondos, yo soy la que se enfoca en obtener becas de fundaciones para financiar el trabajo de CTUL. También trabajó en la narración global de CTUL para diferentes audiencias. “Me encanta encontrar formas de presentar el trabajo de CTUL que resuene con diferentes audiencias y retar al mundo de la fundación a repensar cómo ocurre el cambio sistémico y cómo se ve realmente el liderazgo constituyente”.

Imagino un mundo donde mi trabajo es obsoleto porque la desigualdad económica ha terminado y todos tienen lo que necesitan para prosperar. Fuera del trabajo, disfruto de largos paseos por el bosque y compartir comidas con amigos y familiares.